Some Juicy Summer Notes


I've been thinking of you on this almost Blue Moon… I hope you're well ♡ Last night I dreamt about sending out an email so I assumed that was my nudge from the universe to reach out. I wasn't sure exactly what to say, but I've been keeping a list of notes in my phone of the little things I want to tell you about –- some are prayers, half poems, others a word to remember or an anecdote.

So here we go, an edited list from my notes app, you can read each one or choose a number between 1-10 as your oracle, the specific message for you.

1) They have a saying in, “A Course in Miracles” about how Jesus (as an example of love embodied) is not anything we are not… he’s just not anything else. All this to say: YOU ARE NOT A PROJECT: you are a perfectly imperfect child of love — the “work” is just to allow all you aren’t (that which is not love) to fall away.

2) So back in November, mid-quarantine, I fractured my elbow roller skating— I was trying to turn, toppled backwards, and broke my fall with my wrist, sending a big shock up to my right elbow. It was my first bone break and only a small fracture but nonetheless I avoided getting back on skates. Finally a couple weeks ago I took the plunge and let me tell you… I'm a WAY better skater now––– faster, more confident, w/ better balance! Why??I Because worse case I’ll fall again and now I know to go with the floor and not to resist gravity. Injury's happen much more often when we try to break our fall and tense up. Thus we must learn to fall, to let gravity have its way with us, to get closer to that which calls us down. Also once “the worst” has happened, it’s easier to proceed without fear. So my dear, onward, it's time to learn to fall!

3) This week for homework write a letter to your physical body and then respond back from your own beautiful self. I did this recently with miraculous results! Ask your body what it wants, what it needs, what it desires, what it has to say. Go in without expectations and let your channelled response surprise you! Mine certainly did ;)

4) As I was sitting down to dinner with my sister last Saturday after a long day and a good cry (I'm always most susceptible to gratitude post tears), I realized how food is the sun and the earth's way of joining with us, of entering our being– for this alone, we must always say thank you.

5) Your body exists to heal you. (I'm not the first to say this but I concur.)

6) I used to thank God and the sky but now I also thank the pavement, gravel warm, and bare feet. This is how the Divine shows it's Love–– gives us a place to rest our heads.

7) Recently I made a commitment to live in my body. There are a million things that seem to keep me from this: sometimes it's withdrawing into “spirituality” (ahhhh the painlessness of spirit), sometimes it's escaping into other people or their feelings, sometimes it's just general fear. It can be scary, but this process of coming into form has been utterly rewarding: the best things happen when we live here.

8) Another piece of homework for this week (if it feels appropriate and right for you) is to try to eat without any guilt–– only love and respect for what your body asks for. This has been my other personal promise and it's made all the difference.

9) Alright so this list may not have been all that juicy… (sorry for the clickbait title) but as I read them over I can see how the personal themes of my own summer shine through: grounding, embodiment, gratitude & acceptance. So take what you will that resonates and leave the rest. I love you!

10) An optional prayer:

Dearest Divine,

Show me how to live fully into the beauty of my life as it is. Bring me presence, acceptance, and patience. Show me all the right actions to take when the time is right. May I rest in the miracle of this body, this reality, this moment. Keep my heart open to You, open to me, open to exactly what is.

Thank you, Amen

P.S. Feel free to respond with your own summer themes of healing and embodiment–– I'd love to know where you stand. xx


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